Candid Posing Workflows


Have you ever been at a loss for how to pose your clients during a session? You know that you don't want them to feel stiff but you're just not sure how to get them there. I have a guide for every type of session from families to couples to seniors. I show you exactly what I say to my clients to guide them into candid posing.

I found myself using the same poses over and over again. I could barely remember new ones to introduce, let alone have any idea how to execute them without my clients feeling stiff and awkward.

It took me years of practice to build up a collection of poses that included variations and easy ways to change things up.

I used to struggle with how to pose, too.

Let me help you get there quicker than I did!

guess what...

Can't decide which guide to get? Grab them both! (And save a couple of bucks while you're at it).

Family & Couples Bundle

Can't decide which to get?

Do you struggle with helping your guy and girl feel comfortable in their posing? In this guide, I tell you my go-to poses and how I execute them without feeling forced.


No more awkward dudes

Do you struggle with posing families in a natural way? In this guide, I tell you my favorite family poses and how I get my clients into them without feeling stiff or posed.


From 3 people to 30

My Candid Posing Guides

Purchase NOW!

Purchase NOW!

Purchase NOW!

Easy to Remember Names

Photo Examples

Variations of Multiple Poses

Clear, Easy Directions to Tell Clients


Multiple-Page PDF Guide

Here's exactly what's included:

Amanda Goralczyk Photography

If you just don’t know where to start when it comes to family posing, you need this guide! For classic and candid shots! The one area I’m not 100% confident in is my family poses. I freeze up when there is a lot going on and kids running around. Having this guide, I now am ready to take on the next family that books me! Thanks, Elle, for this major helping stone in my business! 

Alex Webber Photography

Elle’s family posing guide is super simple and easy to apply to families of any size or age. The guide really helped give me ideas to change up the classic overused poses I had been using. I definitely will be using the prompts to help guide parents and kids to create a more fun family session! 

See what  they have to say...

Rachel ciara photography

Elle’s workflow is so helpful. It has everything you could need & then some! She puts everything into letter format & takes the guessing game out of it with details from initial booking all the way through after the shoot. I like how she sounds bubbly throughout her letters & also asks for honest feedback. It’s really thorough and you can tell she’s been doing this awhile & knows what she’s doing! 

Ashta Harler Photography

Wow! Elle's email templates are amazing! They have helped me and my clients be better prepared for sessions. It's everything I have tried to explain in a call or text, but Elle's words are much better. I love the review request email with the follow up! I have a hard time with words and this has helped me immensely. Thank you so much Elle! 

S. Green Photography

Elle's workflow templates are a fantastic guide to providing clients with information from initial booking to post production! As a new photographer, these have been a huge time saver while creating my business!

Elizabeth Kate Photography

Elle's workflow templates are a must have for any photographer! She's truly thought of every detail a client may need or want to know from planning the wardrobe for a beautiful session to explaining the process for culling, editing, and delivering a gallery to the client. Elle's language is friendly and approachable and would make even the greenest of photography clients feel well informed and taken care of. Don't delay in purchasing these workflow templates! They will not only make your life easier as a business owner, but they will also greatly enhance your client experience!

Confidence in your posing skills

How does this sound?

The ability to keep clients engaged and comfortable



the results you're going to get:

Easy transitions to reduce those awkward moments between poses


Incorporate movement to make poses feel natural and candid


Encourage genuine moments between clients


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Looking for a bonus?

I've tested out a few CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) and Honeybook is a clear winner. It's fun to set up, easy to automate, and helps you organize things you didn't even know you needed organized! Use my code and get 20% off your first year!

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I'm Elle, your new get-a-grip friend.

I know it sounds cliche, but after wasting so much of my time reinventing the wheel, I finally learned to work smarter not harder and that's when my business truly took off. Let me help you too!

more about me >

hey there!

Ready to use immediately

save time with seamless transitions

Breaks down to less than $2/pose

Do I have to buy both?

Of course you don't have to, but there is a discount for buying the bundle, and some of the poses will be applicable to multiple types of sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get the file?

Upon checkout, you'll receive an email with a link to my canva template. You can screenshot the pages on your phone, or save the pdf to your files.

Are any poses duplicated between the two guides?

Nope! Each guide has its own set of poses, you won't see any repeated from one guide to another.

Do you do refunds?

Due to the digital nature of these products, refunds are not applicable once your order has been placed.