Getting Your Home Ready For A Session | Lifestyle Newborn & Family Photographer


Can I let you in on a little secret? If you’re wanting to have a photo session in your home, you don’t have to have a spotless house! (and if we’re being honest my house is only clean maybe 1 day out of the week and I don’t even have kids as an excuse!) One reason I love being a Lifestyle Newborn & Family Photographer is that I get to capture you in your natural environment. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable being outdoors or wearing a certain type of clothing that you don’t feel your best in, etc.

Most of the in-home lifestyle sessions I’ve done only happen in a couple of rooms and require minimal cleaning! Here are my top tips to get my favorite rooms ready.

Master bedroom

Clear off your side tables of everything except lamps.

Make sure there aren’t any bright or distracting colors to the sides of the bed.

Open all the blinds and turn off all the lights.

Clear excess pillows. Your shams and just an accent pillow will be enough.

Make sure your comforter or duvet is a solid color. Hint: White is a natural reflector that will automatically make your pictures feel brighter and will fill in shadows on your face.

Baby’s Nursery

Put the diaper pail and any other unsightly things in the closet.

Make sure there aren’t any big boxes of diapers or wipes visible (you can put them out in the hallway, or anywhere we won’t shoot). Don’t forget to check under the crib.

Put a solid color sheet on the crib mattress

Open all the blinds and turn off all the lights.

Pull out a special blanket or lovey you may want pictured with them.

Living Room

Minimize distractions on tables.

Open up allllll the blinds and turn off all the lights.

A couple pillows will help to fill up empty spaces around you, but don’t feel like you have to over-do it.

Have a book or two nearby you can read together.

Kid’s Bedrooms

Clean up toys on the floor.

Limit the number of stuffies nearby.

Leave out toys that are relatively neutral in color for the kids to play with

And of course, open the blinds and turn off all the lights!

February 23, 2021





Take the guesswork out of preparing for a session with my in-depth, 23-page guide, that has tons of links and photo examples!

Session Prep & Style Guide

the free guide!